Add a graphic of the world with the different offices. 52 week availability.
M&L Cold Storage, Delano, California
M&L has 130,000 square feet of refrigerated storage and precooling including 10 Storage rooms and 6 precool rooms designed to create the optimal environment for grape storage.
Packing made to order in M&L’s 26,000 square foot refrigerated custom pack room.
Primus GFS Packinghouse certification with Excellent score.
Del Campo, Nogales, Arizona
State-of-the-art facility with 105,000 square feet of temperature-controlled warehouse.
Eight individual storage rooms, each with the capacity to maintain a temperature of 30ºF.
Completely enclosed and insulated dock area with 24 doors.
Food Safety Certified with Superior score. HACCP-based operation and procedures.
Port of Wilmington, Delaware
The number one US gateway for perishable cargo imports.
The leading port of entry for fruit from Chile, Morocco, Argentina, Peru, and Brazil.
With 800,000 square feet of on-terminal refrigerated warehouse space in six warehouses and 35 chambers providing temperature ranges between 25 and 58º F, the Port can support any cold chain application.
Port facilities include customizable temperature control, fumigation, cold treatment, pre-cooling, controlled atmosphere and real time web-based inventory management using barcoding, complemented by proven perishable expertise, remote temperature monitoring and archiving, in-house IT capability, and on-site USDA and CBP officers.
The Port possesses HACCP, C-TPAT, and 360 Quality certifications.
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